Green bean fertilizer requirements can be calculated if you know your soil type and have a good idea of the yield potential of your land and climate. These are basic norms and your specific microclimate and variety can have an influence on the total amount applied. These norms do not take top dressings into account, [...]
Irrigation of green beans is crucial as the plants are made of soft tissue. Green beans can easily wilt to such an extent that yield losses are significant. So the successful cultivation of green beans depends on enough water throughout the growth season. In harsh climates such as in South Africa, successful green bean production [...]
Green bean soil cultivation for commercial small scale farmers Green bean soil cultivation for commercial small scale farmers is also applied in large commercial farms. In a well prepared loose soil, bean roots can penetrate to a depth of 1200 mm. The effective root depth is 450 - 500 mm. Superficial green bean cultivation will limit [...]
Inoculation of bean seed with nodule bacteria helps the plant to acquire its own nitrogen. Not recommended as a standard practice on green beans. Using nodule bacteria is tricky since there are so many different types. One of the biggest obstacles are inoculating the plant roots with the same strain of bacteria that are in [...]
Green beans are attached by various pests and because effective pest control is such an important aspect of green bean production, the bean pests must be identified before the correct control measures can be applied. The safe period applicable to a specific pesticide is very important. This period allows the chemical to bio-degrade and makes [...]
Green bean micronutrients or trace elements are often a forgotten aspect, not just in green beans but in general vegetable farming. Micronutrient deficiencies are rare in green beans but there are some soils where symptoms can occur. What growers forget is that a very small amount can have a devastating effect on yields. That is [...]
Green bean planting times are crucial since they are sensitive to frost They can be cultivated only when there is no longer any danger or risk of frost. The different planting times for bush and runner beans in various parts of South Africa are listed in the table below Green beans planted during early summer [...]
Green bean seed germination is epigeal. that is the cotyledon is pushed above the soil surface together with the young leaves. From planting it takes about 6-10 days for the seedlings to appear, depending on the soil temperature. At an optimum soil temperature of 24-30°C the seed will germinate rapidly and the seedlings emerge after [...]
The basics of green bean fertilization Green bean fertilization is quite easy as it has a short growth season, but if neglected can have a significant effect on yields. Proper preparation of the soil and an adequate amount of well-balanced nutrients are essential for good yields and a large proportion of first grade pods. The nutrients [...]
Maximising farm profit starts with a lot of things and one of the is the right variety for the production system. The right variety will provide the grower with the right product for his market and climate. The most important is climate. If the variety is adapted to the farm climate, a higher portion of [...]
There are 20 herbicides registered for controlling weeds in Phaseolus vulgaris. These are registered for Dry Beans, however, they should be applicable to green beans as well. These herbicides differ with regard to stage and method of application and the spectrum of weeds they control. These herbicides in combination with each other, or in certain cases [...]
We know that the quality of irrigation water is slowly deteriorating in South Africa. The salt content of water is ever increasing due to uncontrolled mining activities, heavy industrial effluent being dumped into rivers and intensive agricultural practices. At the end, the grower is becomes limited in what can commercially be grown (and I mean with making [...]
Important green bean bacterial diseases and their control Here is a warning to all prospective growers; green beans are quite susceptible to diseases. Just like other fast growing soft leaf vegetables, you have to be on your toes and look at warning signs. Although preventative sprays is the easiest way out it is more expensive. [...]
Virus diseases of green beans Virus diseases of green beans is a problem in the open field. As viruses cannot move by themselves, they need a host or vector to hitch a ride. Two main methods of transportation or distribution are insects and humans. Insects are the most difficult to control and are also the [...]
Fungal diseases of green beans Damping off Damping off is caused by various fungi. The most common fungi that show symptoms of damping off are Rhizoctonia root rot (Rhizoctonia solani), Pythium Root Rot (Pythium spp.), Phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora spp.) and Black root rot (Thielaviopsis basicola). The first symptoms are a weak stand. It is a soil borne fungi [...]
On commercial farms the most common method of planting is with precision planters. These planters can be set according to the size of the bean and the planting density required in the field. The most uniform yields are achieved this way compared to hand planting. As soon as the bean seed is planted overhead irrigation [...]
Green beans, or scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris L. is part of the family known as Fabaceae (Leguminosae) or legumes. Green beans can be grouped with potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage and onions in terms of their importance in human nutrition. It is not a niche crop such as cherry tomatoes so it competes as a commodity in [...]
Bacterial blight
Fall Armyworm
Nutrient uptake
Salt stress
Weed control