Blosyrus inaequalis beetle in sweet potato
Blosyrus inaequalis is mostly found in Siri-Lanka and India, but lately also in the northern parts of South Africa. So far the economical damage cause in the highveld in South Africa is not a big concern, but in the lowveld it can cause problems. Folded leaf edges with 15-25 eggs is a sign of Blosyrus inaequalis infestation. The edge of leaves are a perfect starting point for the larvae as they drop from there onto the soil and burrow until they find the roots or tubers. Damage is easy to identify as the surface of the root have “paths” on the skin.
There are no registered chemicals to control Blosyrus inaequalis but you can follow the recommendations with Sweet potato weevil. Transplanting after the second week in January and harvesting from July seems to help minimize damage.